Profile details

B.A. Lit, MA. Lit. PhD LIT (Nairobi), LLB, LLM (Nairobi), Dip. Law (KSL)
Peter Wasamba is a Professor of African Literature at the University of Nairobi. He is also a lecturer of law and an advocate of the High Court of Kenya, trading under the name Anyanga Wasamba Advocates. He has over 24 years of teaching experience at the university. He is also an experienced university administrator with 11 years in management as the Chairman of the Department of Literature, Associate Dean, and Dean of the Faculty of Arts. Wasamba has a B.A., MA., and PhD degree in literature. He also has a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and Master of Laws (LLM) degree from Nairobi. He is an international scholar with collaborators in Africa, Asia, Europe and America. Wasamba's specialization is Research in African Literature, Human Rights Law and Digital Humanities.
Law Society of Kenya (LSK)
Kenya Oral Literature Association (KOLA)
International Society for the Study of Oral Literature in Africa (ISOLA)
Research Interests
African Literature, Digital Humanities, and Human Rights Law.
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