Profile details

Dr. Parita Shah has an experience of over 25 years in the teaching field. She has had the privilege of starting her teaching practice in a community primary school back in the Year 1998 where she taught for 13 years.
Currently she is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Geography, Population and Environmental Studies, University of Nairobi. She holds a PhD from the University of Nairobi in Biogeography and a MA in Environmental Planning and Management, also from the University of Nairobi. Her BA is in Geography from the University of London. Her specialization is in policy and governance. She conducts research in the areas of biodiversity and governance, education and conservation, climate change and climate finance in relation to human rights, financing, and development with special focus on the conservation sector in relation to natural resources management, ecotourism and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Parita has written many journal papers in high-ranking journals like Springer Nature as well as book chapters on environmental issues. She is a registered associate expert for EIA under the National Environmental Management Authority, Kenya. She is a former member of the Karura Forest Environmental Educational Trust (KFEET) where she coordinated the first environmental education syllabus. She is also a trainee of trainers with the African Fund for Endangered Wildlife (AFEW – Giraffe Centre). Parita is also a member of the Committee on Fiscal Studies at the School of Law, University of Nairobi where she brings in her expertise on climate finance. She believes in the concept of community togetherness where the community, through education and indigenous knowledge can lead to sustainable development. To support that she is a member of the Jain Social Group, Kenya and the Environment Committee at the Hindu Council of Kenya.
Research Interests