Profile details

Ph.D (UON), M.A (UON), M.Sc (NIU-Kampala), B.Ed (UON)
Dr. Martina is a Senior lecturer at the University of Nairobi, Kenya. She holds a PhD in Communication and Information Studies, MSc in ICT4D and a Master’s degree in Communication Studies from the University of Nairobi. Her research interests are in ICT4D, Education, Development Communication, Financial Inclusion, Food security and Sustainable Livelihoods. She has carried out ethnographic studies in technology adoptions uptake and use and is actively involved in the mobile money industry as a content service provider and an ICT Solutions provider. She has closely worked with underprivileged populations and has a wealth of experience in Product design and implementation of technology based products targeting poor and marginalized populations. She is active in the innovation sector with several innovative solutions in ICT4D notably; the M-ASCA Model (LT-12652 by the copyright Board of Kenya) (; The OnNet Learning Solution (copyright No. RT02382) which was instrumental in the continuity of learning during the COVID 19 pandemic for those without internet connectivity, the Mwananchi Platform that enables citizen participation for those unable attend physical forums. She is a consultant in ICT4D, Communication for Development and Education. She has done projects for the EU, USAID, County Governments in Kenya and the Communications Authority of Kenya among others. As the founder of Building African Resilience NGO in Kenya (, she has spearheaded climate change mitigation and adaptation programs among the Maasai Pastoralist Communities of Kenya. She is an Author and has published in peer reviewed Journals and participated in conferences, exhibitions and expos in Kenya and abroad.
- East African Communication Association
- Inventors and Innovators Association of Kenya
- Public Relations Society of Kenya
Research Interests
Research interests are in Information Communication Technologies for development (ICT4D), Communication for Development (C4D), Climate Change Solutions and Communication and Education
CV, Email
Dr. Martina Mutheu
Research, ICT4D Consultant, Development and Climate Change Communication
Senior Lecturer, School Of Journalism and Mass Communication University of Nairobi
Administration Building, 1st Floor ACCE Library
P.O. Box 30197 00100 Nairobi