Dr. Juliana Cheboi

    Dr. Juliana J. Cheboi is a lecturer of Plant Breeding and Biotechnology in the Department of PLant Science and Crop Protection, University of Nairobi.
    Staff Designation
    Academic Qualifications

    I hold a PhD in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology from University of Eldoret (2015-2018), MSc in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology (2013-2015) and BSc. in Agricultural Biotechnology (2009-2013) from the same University

    Currently a lecturer and a researcher of Plant breeding and Biotechnology at the Department of Plant Science and Crop Protection, University of Nairobi. I teach and conduct research and outreach programs in Plant breeding and Agriculture related Courses. I also supervise students both at undergraduate and post graduate levels on plant breeding and other agricultural related courses. I am a member of legume breeding community of practice and the current vice chair of Plant Breeding Association Kenya (PBAK). I have won several fellowships; Food Systems Research Network for Africa (FSNET), African Plant Breeding Academy, the Agriculture for Food Security-AgriFoSe and          African Bioscience Challenge Fellowship (ABCF). I have interest in breeding for biotic and abiotic stresses to enhance food and nutritional security. I am very keen on working with drought resilient crops with great potential to alleviate malnutrition and food security among the rural and urban poor in Kenya and in the Sub-Saharan Africa where drought and climate change effects are huge. I have worked closely with small holder farmers in outreach programs to disseminate knowledge on technologies, innovations and management practices that can be utilized to improve production and livelihoods.

    Membership Bodies

    1. Plant Breeding Association Kenya 

    2. African Plant Breeding Association

    Research Interest Areas

    1. Breeding crops for yield improvement, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses

    2. Championing for gender mainstreaming and social inclusion in breeding work

    3. Product profiling and demand lead breeding

    4.Working closely with small holder farmers in outreach programs to disseminate knowledge on technologies, innovations and management practices that can be utilized to improve production and livelihoods


    P.O Box 29053-00625 Kangemi, Nairobi

    Telephone number: +254-727-298411 or +254 737643943

       E-mail: juliana.cheboi@uonbi. ac.ke or jjcheboi@gmail.com

    Plant Science & Crop Protection